Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Introducing Hoot!

Whenever I get to the end of something, I wished I used all the time doing something useless, like watching non-stop episodes of Gossip Girl, more efficiently. I have been so busy the last few weeks party planning, yearbook making, school finishing, packing, saying goodbye, seeing friends etc etc that I have had no had time to just sit down and reflect, let alone write this blog.

It is crazy that 27 months has come and gone, but here I am at the end of what previously seemed like forever amazed that it seems no time has passed at all. I also stand in a good place, knowing that I have loved and been loved and grown more than I could possibly explain. I have met some of the most amazing people and created friendships that will continue into the eternities. I have seen some of the most fascinating and beautiful places and experienced some of the craziest, most mind-boggling things. And I have loved every second of it – even when I hated it. I am honestly sad to go. I would not have said the same eight months ago, but things have been going very well recently, and I feel that Bulgaria has truly become home. And just recently, I have met some of the best people and had some of the best times. To be honest, I am not ready. I feel like I have to be ready only because the time is up, but I guess I will really figure that out when I am in the states. Who knows, maybe I will hate it and be on the first plane back to Bulg.

I am taking off Tuesday with Sehee and Ljudmil to Venice/Slovenia/Croatia for the beginning of six weeks of travel. It will be a whirlwind ride so I am hoping that upon arrival in Phoenix on August 7th that I will be able to finally take those quiet moments to just sit, think and reflect on this amazing journey. Those writings will eventually come.

But for now, I very excitedly announce my new project:

I have taken two loves and weaved them together to form my new venture Hoot! The ideas are still bouncing around full-speed, but they are taking the shape of street fashion/urban culture journalism joined with a vintage clothing store and styling project. After the Southeastern Europe portion of my trip with Seh, I take off solo for four more weeks in Western Europe, finding and documenting street fashion and style, as well as unique, alternative elements in urban art and culture. Essentially, my routing is this: Venice – Ljubljana – Zagreb – Split – Dubrovnik – Amsterdam – Rotterdam – Antwerp – Brugge – Brussels – Paris – Munich – Bamberg and Berlin. If any of you have any tips or hookups, please pass them on.

You can be a part of Hoot! and follow my journey at my new blog:

You can also follow me on Twitter:
Hoot! on Twitter

After I get back to the states, I pretty much plan on being a free spirit for a while, road-tripping the USA to find vintage inventory and see the many of you I haven’t in so long. Please let me know if your floor is available for crashing! And if anyone wants to jump in the car for a while, companions are welcome!

Many of you have been on this grand journey with me, many not, yet as I nervously prepare to re-enter American society as a completely different person and figure out the next chapter in my life, I hope you will be a part of it. Also, I’m looking for the following things so if you are feeling giving, helpful or in the know, do tell:
  • car
  • phone + cheap contract
  • law school ins
  • event-planning opportunities
  • graphic/web design help
  • photoshop lessons
  • sewing assistance
  • travel buddies
  • job and/or freelance work
Hope everyone is well. Until next time, spread the word of Hoot!


Алек said...

Sweet idea. You could get a magazine to fly you around the world so you can document the urban styles. What about Hoot Sofia?

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